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October Flew By!

Hairqueen News:  

I am embarrassed to say that I could not find time this past month to sit down and write my October Blog.  My wonderful virtual assistant Sara had the Blog prepped for me but it kept slipping down my to do list until I almost missed the month entirely.  What a wild month it has been! 

I have been interviewing a new tenant for Swans Studios, polishing up my ICCC presentation, gallivanting with my besties and doing my darnedest to keep up with my normal personnel and professional commitments.

I took a few days in the country with my besties to rest, relax and restore my reserves before the truly busy holiday season kicks off!

My new sparkly shoes - I love them

Promotion Of The Month:

OK, we missed October so here is the November promotion, hope you have a chance to take advantage of it.

Client Corner:

Thank you to my wonderful clients Julie and Lorenzo for your lovely before and after head shots!

Runs Businesses With Scissors:

Yay, yay, yay we have a new associate at Swans Studios.

Ginger Godines will join us in November and I will introduce her with aplomb in November.

In the meantime, what a whirlwind it was to be back to interviewing again.  It is humbling to be reminded how important it is to keep those interviewing skills sharpened, to be clear about the position you have to offer and to be patient so that the best person for the spot is hired.

I remember when I owned my big salon, Topps Salon Day Spa, that it was a constant practice of recruit, recruit, recruit.  Swans Studios is a different business model but the same is true, it is important to recruit until the right person for the opening is hired, not just hiring because you have an opening.  Experience has taught me that for both business models it is true that several meetings and discussions, checking references and being clear with all agreements will create a healthy, happy environment for all parties.

Salon Owners, if you need some refreshing on this area of business or whatever you may be grappling with currently, contact me, tell me about your situation and let's create a win, win for you.

To book a Consulting Appointment, email me at or call me at 510-545-2955.

Spooky Hairstyles:

Happy Halloween!

Q & A corner or article:

Click HERE for an article featuring great Halloween Hair tips!

For more information please contact Suzanne Van Houten at

Until next time Happy Halloween!



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